Eva Vele

Is in charge of curating the KodlContemporary platform, where she mainly focuses on contemporary art. However, her specialization is broader. She also deals with gallery museology and 20th century art. She is a graduate of Art History at VŠUP and Charles University, where she currently works as a doctoral student in the same field. Before that, she spent more than two years as a 20th-century art historian at the KODL Gallery and three years in a management position at the non-profit organization Wikimedia Foundation, where she worked on the GLAM project aimed at raising awareness of the activities of cultural institutions on the Internet. She also has experience from the investment company BHM group, where she worked as an Office manager. In addition to her art historical work, she devotes herself to the socially and environmentally committed project vo.bal, which she co-founded.

Eva Vele
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